Electric Biro - 2014
Electric Biro is a one day art hack run by meet-up 'WLTM/ake' for artists, designers, musicians, makers and technologists to meet, make, collaborate.
Electric Biro is a one day art hack run by meet-up ‘WLTM/ake’ for artists, designers, musicians, makers and technologists to meet, make, collaborate. Have a project that you are itching to make but need help from a technologist, artist, maker? Come and pitch your ideas to someone from a different discipline. There will be a ‘speed date’ between creatives and technologists in the morning followed by a ‘speed make’ in the gallery space, so that in the afternoon you can start to build upon some of your ideas with your newly found collaborators. For those who don’t find their perfect partner/s we will have activities in the gallery exploring ‘digital line’ such as: mechanical drawing machines, interactive gestural projections, animated generative line via ‘processing’, and conductive paint (which can generate sound).
There will be a short ‘show ‘n tell’ session at the end of the day so that members of the public can come and observe what liaisons may have occurred at our little art/geek ‘love-in’. So if you are just a curious observer then pop down and see us between 4-5pm.
10-12pm: speed date (approx, this depends on number of participants).
12-4pm: speed make. 4-5pm: show ‘n tell for members of the public.
5-6pm: packing up.
6pm: pub (optional but always a good place for developing ideas!).
Electric Biro tickets